Dispute Resolution is one of the corner stones of the Firm’s practice. We understand that our Clients’ day to day business dealings may result in disputes and therefore step in to provide dispute resolution services.
The firm offers the traditional services of Dispute Resolution and Conveyancing but has kept pace with the modern practice and therefore provides a wide spectrum of additional services with strong capabilities in the following practice areas:
Dispute Resolution is one of the corner stones of the Firm’s practice. We understand that our Clients’ day to day business dealings may result in disputes and therefore step in to provide dispute resolution services.
The Banking and Finance practice represents the second corner stone of the firm’s practice areas. We understand the critical role that financing plays for our Clients and the impact it has on our Clients’ business
Employment law is one of the practice areas that Gill & Seph is heavily involved in. We understand the nature and importance of the delicate employment relationship between an employer and employee including the potential risks that arise from this relationship.
We understand that the success of our Clients’ business is partly dependant on their tax compliance levels. We meet our Clients’ ne
The third cornerstone of our practice, Corporate and Commercial, provides a wide range of corporate and commercial services aimed at ensuring that our Clients’ businesses operate within the regulatory framework.
With the worldwide population expected to hit 9 billion by 2040 and urbanisation rates projected to be at 63% in the same time frame, global energy demand is set to grow. Locally, there is a mismatch between the country’s population growth and its energy capability. With the 2
The global real estate market is growing in terms of complexity and sophistication. I
Developments in the climate change arena are raising new challenges for the business community with the effect that environmental and regulatory compliance matters are now p
In keeping with the firm’s goal of being a one-stop source for all commercial needs, we also offer a service in telecommunications and media. We understand that the t
At Gill & Seph we always aim to protect our Clients’ business interests and this also means we always look to protect our Clients’ business brand.
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